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Online shopping and donating without extra costs - with Gooding & WeCanHelp

There are two ways to donate to the Förderverein Parkinson-Heilung e.V. without any extra costs: Online shopping via Gooding or WeCanHelp!

How does it work? The participating shops give a percentage commission for your purchase (which would otherwise go, for example, to website operators with banner advertising) to the sponsored institution, in this case the Förderverein Parkinson-healing e.V., further.

For this to happen, you must start your purchase at the right entry point and set the Förderverein Parkinson-Heilung e.V. as the institution you support. (Goods that were already in the shopping cart are unfortunately not eligible).


The following process is the simplest way of participating in "purchase and support":

  1. Start shopping via the links to Gooding or WeCanHelp (e.g. click one of the logos below). These entry points can also be saved as bookmarks in your web browser.
  2. Log in to Gooding or WeCanHelp. If you have done so yet, you have first have to register yourself on the respective platform.
  3. Only for WeCanHelp: Specify that you want to allocate the commission yourself (otherwise it goes into a general pot), then click on the shop of choice.
  4. Shop

1. Shopping via Gooding with over 1.600 Shops, including ebay, MediaMarkt, IKEA, Tschibo, Lidl and many others

Depending on the shop you select, up to 3% of your purchase value goes to the Förderverein Parkinson-Heilung e.V. 

Most convenient with the Gooding Toolbar

2. Shopping via WeCanHelp with over 1.700 Shops, including ebay, Deutsche Bahn, IKEA, Lufthansa, Otto Versand, Thalia, Tschibo and many others

Depending on the shop you select, a percentage of your purchase value (between approx. 2% - 14%) or a fix amount per purchase is transfered to the Förderverein Parkinson-Heilung e.V.


Most convenient with the Shop-Alarm Browser-Add-on